Mohamed Nbou
Special Advisor to the Secretary General of UCLG Africa Africa Climate Task Force
Special Advisor to the Secretary General of UCLG Africa Africa Climate Task Force
CEO im Bereich Abfallwirtschaft und Kreislaufwirtschaft. Mitglied im Comittee der Regionen.
CEO in the waste management and circular economy sector, member of Committee of the Regions
Senior Technical Officer, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)
Senior Technical Officer, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)
Gemeinsamer Sekretär und Missionsleiter (Smart Cities Mission), Ministerium für Wohnungswesen und städtische Angelegenheiten, Regierung Indiens
Joint Secretary and Mission Director (Smart Cities Mission), Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India
Bürgermeisterin, Sagnarigu Municipality, Northern Region – Ghana
Mayor of Sagnarigu Municipality, Northern Region – Ghana
Referentin, BMU