Dr. Mehmet Emin Birpinar

Vice-Minister Umwelt und Stadt

Mohamed Sefiani

Bürgermeister, Gemeinde Chefchaouen

Mohamed Sefiani

Mayor, Municipality of Chefchaouen

Togo Uchida

Direktor, ICLEI-Büro Japan, ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability

Togo Uchida

Director of ICLEI Japan Office, ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability

Vasileios Latinos

Officer, Climate Adaptation and Urban Resilience, ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability

Vasileios Latinos

Officer, Climate Adaptation and Urban Resilience, ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability

Patu Ndango Fen

Closed-Loop System Ventures Foundation: Championing the Waste Revolution

Patu Ndango Fen

Closed-Loop System Ventures Foundation: Championing the Waste Revolution

Monyake Moteane

Senior Specialist on City Transformation and Spatial Planning, Stadt Johannesburg, Südafrika