Programm > Finanzierung II: Projektvorbereitung und -finanzierung
Finanzierung II: Frühphasenfinanzierung
23. Mai
11:00 - 12:30
Kongresshaus Stadthalle Heidelberg
Robert-Schumann-Zimmer, Heidelberg Convention Centre
Investitionen in kohlenstoffarme und klimaresistente städtische Infrastruktur sind von entscheidender Bedeutung. Öffentliche und private Investoren sehen sich jedoch mit einem Mangel an investitionsbereiten Projekten konfrontiert, was die Notwendigkeit einer wirksamen Unterstützung bei der Projektvorbereitung unterstreicht. Der Workshop wird die Rolle von Projektvorbereitungsfazilitäten und neue Wege der Zusammenarbeit zwischen allen relevanten Interessengruppen diskutieren.
Bridging the gap in Cities – From Plans to Financing
The urban finance gap is a major barrier for implementing National Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement worldwide. It manifests itself in the lack of bankable projects and the related missing mobilization of private capital in particular. Bringing finance demand and supply together on local level enhances the overall development and implementation of national and global agendas. Climate friendly urban development often lags behind due to insufficient investments in local projects. Municipal project preparation too often does not fulfil the demanded quality. Subsequently, the financial resources primed for investments are too rarely channelled to urban projects. If local administrations succeed to prepare projects according to investors’ expectations and mobilise the available resources for the local level, the financing gap could be bridged.
The cluster session brings together local actors as well as investors and project preparation facilities in order to display current expectations and services and to identify remaining gaps and needs for enhanced investments into sustainable urban futures. Collaborating with different stakeholders to develop bankable projects on local and regional level directly feeds into the implementation of NDCs at national level.
11:00 Welcome by the Moderator
11:05 – 11:15 Key Note, BMZ
11:15 Pitches by the Demand Side
Demand for better Project Financing,
Demand for potential investors,
Demands/questions towards investors
11:25 Responses by the Supply Side
Response to posed questions and demands
Presenting Supply
Demands towards partners and projects
11:35 Responses by “Bridges” (Intermediaries e.g. PPFs)
Response to posed questions and demands
Presenting Solutions
11:45 Roundtable discussion incl. Q&A with the audience
Cities perspective
Financiers perspective
12:10 Concluding remarks by the panelist
12:15 Announcement on the Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance
Barbara Buchner Executive Director Climate Finance program at Climate Policy Initiative CPI / Secretariat of Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance CCFLA
Martin Dirr
Ingrid-Gabriela Hoven, Abteilungsleiterin Abteilung 3: Globale Zukunftsaufgaben – Sektoren, Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)
Mr.J.Sravan Kumar, Commissioner Coimbatore Municipal Corporation and CEO Smart City Limited
Anie Amicci, Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social, BNDES
Elke Pfeiffer, Vice President and Head of Global Investment Performance Measurement at Allianz Investment Management SE (AIM SE)
James Alexander, Head, C40 Cities Finance Facility (CFF)
Ina de Visser, European Investment Bank/ Head of Felicity, the Financing Energy for Low-carbon Investment – Cities Advisory Facility
CCFLA Working Group on Project Preparation
Dario Abramskiehn CPI
Charlotte Boulanger, FMDV
Pablo Nunez GIB
BMZ, Daniel Günther
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