Programm > Governance III: Multilevel climate & Energy Planning
Governance III: Multilevel climate & Energy Planning
Climate Alliance & Energy Cities & Climate Chance
23. Mai
11:00 - 12:30
Kongresshaus Stadthalle Heidelberg
E - Ballsaal
Climate Alliance, Climate Chance, Energy Cities
Klima- und Energieplanung auf mehreren Ebenen: Partizipative Gestaltungsprozesse für die Energie- und Klimapolitik haben das Potenzial, die Mobilisierung verschiedener Akteure zu fördern. In diesem Workshop werden Herausforderungen und Chancen für die engagierte Zivilgesellschaft und die lokalen Akteure beleuchtet. Es werden Beispiele für erfolgreiche Bottom Up Ansätze genannt, die die lokale Leistung stärken und zu einem treibenden Faktor für nationale Entscheidungsträger*innen werden können.
Collaborative Planning for Ambitious Climate and Energy Policies
To put the vertical integration of climate action into practice, all levels of government and a wide range of actors need to take part in the design, planning and implementation of energy and climate policies. These collaborative processes are as important as the ambitions and targets they propose, or even more so: they determine whether all actors can be successfully mobilized and condition whether a broad consensus on the way to reach the objectives can be established.
Objectives: Design processes for energy and climate policy and planning are as important as the ambition and targets they propose. They are fostering the mobilisation of all actors and are crucial for ensuring a broad consensus on the way to reach the objectives. This session showcases the various ways in which local and regional actors, as well as civil society, are already working with other levels of government to reach common targets, and explore how this can be improved and used across other countries. Examples from the successful Covenant of Mayors framework will be highlighted in particular.
Outcomes: Highlight successful examples of vertically integrated processes of policy design and implementation and explore how these could serve as an example for other countries.
Ms. Rosa Morales Saravia, Director of the General Directorate of Climate Change Desertification and Water Resources, Ministry of Environment of Peru (MINAM)
Carolina Urmeneta, Head of Climate Change at the Ministry of Environment of Chile (contact building)
Sweden (Klimatkommunerna & Fossil Free Sweden)- Filippa Borgström
Sweden (Klimatkommunerna & Fossil Free Sweden)- Maria Ivansson
EU Urban agenda for energy transition (Roeselare)- Timo Wyffels
Netherlands (Klimaatverbond- city of Delft)- Stefan Brandligt
Germany (Environment Ministry)- Nina Wettern
European Covenant of Mayors Community (Joint Research Centre)- Paolo Bertoldi
Denis Ayena Benin (Groupement Intercommunal des Collines)
South Africa (Sustainable Energy Africa)- Peta Wolpe
Albania (city of Kavaja)- Isa Sakja
Uganda- Agnes Mirembe
Benedetta Brighenti, Member of the European Committee of the Regions and Member of Castelnuovo Rangone Municipal Council
Cornejo Reindl, Ingrid
University of Sheffield – Linda Westman
Climate Alliance: Lea Kleinekuhnen
Energy Cities: Tatjana Veith
Climate Chance: Romain Crouzet
Thomas Brose, Climate Alliance