Programm > Interactive Lunch break & Award Ceremony of the Better Together Award 2019
Interactive Lunch break & Award Ceremony of the Better Together Award 2019
22 May
12:30 - 14:00
Kongresshaus Stadthalle
Take in the beautiful view of the river Neckar over a climate-friendly lunch and network with people from all over the world. At 1.15 pm there will be the Award ceremony of 1. Better together Award 2. School Energy Saving Teams with Svenja Schulze (Minister for Environment, Germany) and Eckart Würzner (Mayor of Heidelberg, Germany) | at Jubiläumsplatz |
Award ceremony:
Five international outstanding collaborative innovations for local climate action are awarded at the ICCA2019 and present their solutions at a marketplace during both ICCA2019 conference days:
Get inspired and meet the winning teams of the Better Together Award. Exchange and learn about their solutions and collaborations – and explore how these solutions could be inspirational for your local climate action.
Wednesday, 22nd 9.00 – 10.00 and 14:00- 15:00
Thursday, 23rd 9.00 – 10.30 und 15.30 – 17.00
To secure and schedule your personal meeting (especially during other time slots than the market place) with one or more of the winning teams contact
Carbonlites from Bangalore, India
Carbonlite is a biogas and biofertiliser producing station installed in a refurbished shipping container. The daily deliveries of 10 tonnes of organic waste from the nearby community is turned into fertilizer and biogas, being sold to local farmers and nearby households and businesses. Every day, each station prevents the emission of 5 tons of methane and 1.2 tons of CO₂, while producing 400 kg of biogas and 1 tonne of fertiliser. The municipal body responsible for Bangalore’s infrastructural assets provided land and starting capital. A strong partner is also the influential resident’s association, which mobilises efforts to clean up the borough and improve its waste management.
eTrash2Cash from Kano, Nigeria
The start-up’s app and e-payment solution offers a chance to turn plastic, paper, metals, food, glass and other trash into cash, and primarily focuses on women with low incomes. Collectors can take trash to 20+ ‘recycling kiosks’ all around Kano, where the waste is sorted, processed and recycled into reusable products for use by the same community. In return, collectors earn 5-6 US dollars per month, which they can also opt to put towards health insurance. The public supports the collaboration through providing plastic recycling equipment and awareness raising campaigns.
Jelbi from Berlin, Germany
‘Jelbi’ is a service that will soon be launched by Berlin’s public transportation agency, the BVG. It merges mobility options such as public transport, shared vehicles and on-demand services in one app, allowing for seamless travel across the city and easy payment. Trafi, the The Berlin collaboration will mark the first time that a European city of this size provides a deeply integrated mobility network, with more than 25 different public and private transportation partners combined in one platform.
Mobility Urban Values Game from Palermo, Italy
The “Mobility Urban Values Game” (MUV) is changing citizens’ habits through a gamified mobile phone application that mixes digital and physical experiences, and promotes a shift towards more sustainable and healthy mobility choices. The mobile app tracks users’ daily routes and assigns points for sustainable behaviours across 31 indicators, encouraging them to participate in city-wide challenges. The testing phase in Palermo, Italy, the first 2000 users reduced their carbon footprint by an average of 54%. The data gathered via the app and sensing stations around town will be used to allow policymakers to enhance planning processes and let civic hackers build new services.
XDI Sydney from Sydney, Australia
The platform created by the XDI Cross Dependency Initiative combines data sets with extensive climate models, to calculate the climate change and extreme weather risks that city assets will face. From pipes to train stations, the XDI platform lists 100 different city assets and is capable of integrating asset cross-dependencies and critical services such as power, water and communications into its analysis. The platform is heavily data-dependent, so Municipality of encouraged government stakeholders and infrastructure providers to pool funding for the project and to open their data up to XDI, despite some parties being competitors.
The Better Together Award 2019 is a global search for collaborative innovations solving local climate challenges — and an accelerator giving them the international visibility, support and connections to take their local action global. Run on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and facilitated by Impact Hub Berlin, the award highlights the value of collaborations between start-ups, SMEs or NGOs and local governments that jointly implement innovative solutions for effective climate mitigation and adaptation.
Find more details about the winners and the Better Together Award Program under