Programm > Mayors Breakfast
Mayors Breakfast
23. Mai
07:30 - 08:45
"Prinz Carl"
Spiegelsaal EG
Kornmarkt 1
Frühstück für alle Bürgermeister*innen im "Prinz Carl"
Spiegelsaal EG
Kornmarkt 1
Special Session – The urban transition is underway, but not rapid enough. All actors and all levels of government will have to undergo fundamental changes concerning not only their role and functioning, but also their routine practices and attitudes. This session will answer the question: “What do mayors need in order to build liveable, carbon neutral, and sustainable cities?”.
The debate will focus on financial, legal and policy frameworks that are necessary in order to provide mayors with a toolset to define the right priorities. German Parliamentary State Secretary Ms. Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter (Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety) will introduce the national perspective on climate and energy multi-level governance. Subsequently, mayors will have the opportunity to discuss how cities can be an active player in the energy market and in the transformation of local mobility and economy. Mr. Raffaele Mauro Petriccione, Directorate-General for Climate Action will share the European perspective. Finally, the Romanian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Environment, Gratiela Leocadia Gavrilescu, will close the session.