Programm > Produktion und Konsum
Produktion und Konsum
C40 & UN Environment
22. Mai
14:00 - 17:30
Kongresshaus Stadthalle Heidelberg
A - Plenary Left
C40, UN Environment
Die unkontrollierte Nutzung von Ressourcen hat zu kritischen Mängeln und weit verbreiteten Umweltzerstörungen geführt. Da Städte die Zentren der Produktion und des Ressourcenmanagements sind, befasst sich diese Sitzung mit dem Zusammenhang zwischen Ressourcennutzung, nachhaltigem Konsum und Klimawandel in Städten und entwickelt Ansätze, wie die Produktion an die Bedürfnisse einer klimafreundlichen Stadt angepasst werden kann.
Cities are responsible for some 75% of global resource use, a number that is set to grow further exacerbating resource scarcities and widespread environmental degradation. Resource efficiency also reduces carbon embodied in products and services. Through urban spatial restructuring, efficient buildings, infrastructure planning for cross-sector efficiency and promotion of sustainable behaviours, reductions by a factor of ten are possible. It may be paradoxical that although urban lifestyles are associated with high carbon footprints, many sustainable solutions and lifestyles are pioneered in cities. Cities are centres of production and resource management. However, city level action only gets us that far – to reach high level of ambition, we need urgent action at both, sub-national and national level.
The cluster session focuses on how to better align urban and national action. Furthermore, on how to link the use of resources and climate change to transform consumption and production patterns to meet the needs of a city that is both climate friendly and offers well-being for its citizens. It will zoom in on the role of collaborative action in this, drawing on all actors, including city authorities, businesses and citizens. The session will frame the challenge, outline examples of good practice and elaborate avenues for commitments and partnerships for the needed ambitious and urgent action.
Kevin Austin (Deputy Executive Director, C40) and Martina Otto (Head,
Cities Unit, UN Environment)
First Session:
The science behind climate and Sustainable Consumption and Production,
The Cities Working Group International Resource Panel to present the Weight of Cities Report (Peder Jensen)
C40 Research Release on Sustainable Consumption (Tom Bailey)
EMF Research Release on Circular Cities (EMF)
Panel Response to Research
Mayor Lisa Helps, Victoria, British Columbia
Victor Gathogo, Clean Energy Consultant, Nairobi
Bernhard Grünauer, Business representative, E.ON
Run of Show:
Introduction (5m) – Facilitator 1 introducing session and topic.
International Resource Panel Cities Working Group Expert presentation (10m), Peder Jensen to provide a global perspective on the resource requirements of cities and implications on the global environment and present actions and governance models on urban planning, sustainable design, resource-efficient components, and infrastructure for cross-sector efficiency that are required for a transition towards low-carbon, resource-efficient and socially just cities.
C40 presentation of Sustainable Consumption Research (10m), Tom Bailey – Launch of fresh research showing how the impact of urban consumption is a huge and fast-growing source of emissions, and this must be addressed if we are to keep warming to 1.5 degrees. The C40 research outlines how there is a tremendous amount that urban actors can do, including city authorities, businesses and citizens, to reduce consumption emissions through better production and consumption practices. It is also clear however, that this will only get us so far, and that ambitious and urgent action is needed from national governments. The research will frame this challenge, and outlines example areas where national action will be vital.
Presentation of Circular City research (10m) – Ellen Mac Arthur Foundation responds with own thoughts on themes set out in research, including discussion own recent research on delivering circular cities.
Panel Questions (45m) – One question for each panelist to get reaction to research (is there relevance for your city? How can you use this research?)
Second Session:
Panel and Participatory Roundtable on Circular Economy in Cities and Quality of Life, with Rapporteur
UNEP report out of Cities Summit at UNEA
Circle Economy report on jobs presentation, (Joke Dufourmont)
Joke Dufourmont, Circle Economy
Mayor Lisa Helps, Victoria, British Columbia
Victor Gathogo, Clean Energy Consultant, Nairobi
National Government representative (TBD)
Sarah Pan Larsson, Business representative, E.ON
Run of Show:
Introduction (5m) – Facilitator 2 introducing Session and logistics
UN Environment presentation (8m) of the results of the discussions of the Cities Summit which took place during the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA).
Presentation on Circular economy jobs, Joke Dufourmont, (Circle Economy) (8 mins)
Question 1 and Discussion: Building the socio-economic case for circular economy / circular cities – beyond the physical infrastructure, how can
circular models help with equity and other social objectives?
Question 2 and Discussion: Learning from concrete examples of how procurement has helped to drive market change towards circularity. What is needed to make procurement an even greater lever?
Question 3 and Discussion: How can area development help support greater integration of energy, water, mobility systems and buildings at a neighbourhood or district scale?
Question 4 and Discussion, from audience, for any/all panelists (10m)
Rapporteur Wrap-Up and Reporting Out (5m)
Tom Bailey (Member of C40 Sustainable Consumption Program)
Josh Alpert (C40)
C40 Climate Leadership Group: Kevin Austin
UN Environment: Martina Otto
Anja Mager (BMU)
Bernhard Grünauer (E.on)
Sarah Pan Larsson
Lisa Helps, Mayor Victoria
Dr. Peder Jensen (Head of Secretariat, The International Resource Panel (IRP), Economy Division)
Joke Dufourmont (Circle Economy)
Miranda Schnitger
Victor Gathogo (Roster of Experts to UNFCCC Kenya)
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